Steel Frost - development update!

Unexpected update!

Hello everybody! Thanks so much for your EXTREME patience. The hiatus that this game took was insane. After a crazy 2020 I moved to another country with subsequent difficulties, and could not continue to work on the game. Now I can finally take the time to continue developing Steel Frost and i'm so excited. 

To be honest... may be it was good that i took so much time off. At first Steel Frost was just a simple game like the previous one. But now it has so much cool lore and ideas i really want to use in development.

I bought a corkboard for easier prioritization of game development as you see, haha! :D 

And to see the whole idea and structure of the game "outside my brain". It is so much easier for me to perceive the whole structure this way... Oh gods im so excited to continue! I'm sure that at the end this board will look like those cliche "obsessed psychopath's board with lots of pins" at the end!

I will draw 2-3 of promotional art that shows characters and the world of the game (it will help me to see the idea as well...after all you need some art to support the game besides just having the game) first before proceeding further with making chapters.

Get Steel Frost [Demo]


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Just found this game today, the demo is so promising! I'm rooting for you


Thanks! You arrived just in time!


Welcome back💖

Thank you!


Glad to have you back :D You draw one of hottest dads, so this is bound to be blast! :D

Thank you so much! I have so much to do and i love it. I had so many things to think about during these 2 years


Yay I'm so glad your back!

Glad to be back - thanks!


finally i been waiting for this since 2020 can't wait got new update

Thank you so much for your patience. I by no means wanted to abandon the project. It's very important to me. Also it's the game-introduction of my mascot Jack the Flamingo!


ayo glad things are better now! and I think every person who has a crazy person cork board has a 90% chance to be really good writers. good signs!


Haha thank you - already added more pins! :D